

Childcare Ministry

Childcare Ministry exists to:

  • To instruct and teach young children that they are loved by the Lord and to love the Lord

  • To re-learn a childlike spirit for ourselves towards God

  • To help ease the burden of parents at Family Chapel during service and babysitting times

  • To serve parents by providing the space and time needed to continue learning God’s instructions

With those goals in mind, Childcare Ministry provides a Nursery and Sunday program for children ages 0-3 years during our 11:00 AM Sunday Services.

More information about our general and safety policies can be found here: Childcare Ministry Parent Handbook.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to!


Jane Kim

Jason Cho

Euna Lee

Shanon Cho

John Kang

Sam Choi

Emma He

Kaitlyn Son

Katlyn Hwang

Eunice Park